
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim


Bangladesh Nationalist Party

1.The Name of Party

The name of this party will be ‘Bangladesh Jatiyotabadi Dal’. In English, this organization will be called ‘Bangladesh Nationalist Party’ (BNP) and in short this party will be called ‘Nationalist Party’ and ‘BNP’. The national office and central headquarters of this party is located in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. and the organization of the headquarters or central office of the party shall be under the responsibility of the chairman and the titles, responsibilities and powers of the various officers of the office shall be determined by the chairman himself.

2.Objectives and Goals

The aim and objectives of the Bangladesh Jatiyotabadi Dal- BNP are stated in it’s proclamation elaborately. In a brief, the aim and objectives of this party are stated below:

(a) To fortify and strengthen independence, sovereignty, security, state integration and democracy of Bangladesh through strong mass unity based on Bangladeshi nationalism.

(b) To protect Bangladesh from colonialism, expansionism, new-colonialism, authoritarianism and attack of external forces through economic solvency of the united and revived nation.

(c) To acquire pro-people economic development and national progress based on social justice through politics of production, free market economy and people’s democracy.

(d) To make the people conscious and organized in village and city based on nationalist unity and take complete development projects and reach the ability and authority of implementation of the projects to the people.

(e) To create such a healthy environment where democracy will reach the mind of the common people.

(f) To ensure such a clear and stable social and political system through which the people themselves can bring their humanitarian, social and economic development.

(g) To establish stable democracy through parliamentary democratic government elected by direct vote of the people based on multi-party politics and bring equitable national progress and development.

(h) To set up Jatiya Sangsad as the epitome of democratic life and democratic values and preserve the fundamental rights of the people.

(i) To create public opinion against activities of under ground political organizations and formation of any armed cadres, parties or agencies.

(j) To revive the pro-people social values in the national life and bring productive and creative spirit of life back.

(k) To establish equitable economy based on justice in national life through realistic, effective development process so that all the Bangladeshi citizens get the chance of fulfilling their minimum demands of food, cloth, habitation and education.

(l) To give priority on the programmers of complete village development and ensure happiness-peace and progress of rural areas of the country through active mass efforts.

(m) To make proper and realistic utilization of all manpower including women and youth.

(n) To take realistic economic plan and set up well balanced labour management and ensure maximum production in industrial sector through well labour policy.

(o) To preserve, develop and improve Bangla language and literature and culture and sports of Bangladesh.

(p) To preserve the age old human values of the Bangladeshi people through the teaching of Islam-religion of the majority of Bangladeshi people and other religions, expansion of education for the backward people and giving them more facilities and chance to take part in greater national life.

(q) To protect and establish international friendship, amity and equality in foreign policy based non-alignment. To fortify and strengthen relationship and friendship with neighboring counties, friendly countries of the third world and friendly Muslim countries based on sovereignty and equality.

3.Party Flag

The upper half of the team’s flag will be red and the lower half will be green. In the center of the flag there will be a black industrial circle. From the point of this circle at the junction of red and green, a row of golden rice grains will extend upwards. Above the rice grain will be a white star. Green is the symbol of the country; Red is the symbol of freedom war and sacrifice, industrial cycle is the symbol of growth and progress, grain of rice is the symbol of determination to achieve self-sufficiency in food and the white star is the symbol of our national hopes and aspirations.

4. Word Meanings:

(a) ‘Ward’, ‘Union’, ‘Upazila/Thana’, ‘Pouroshova’, ‘Mahanagar’—the meanings of these words will be as given by the Bangladesh government or election commission.

(b) ‘Constitution’- will mean the constitution of the party if not irrelevant.

(c) ‘Zilla’ will mean administrative district unless indicated otherwise in the party constitution.

(d) The word ‘Chairman’ sometimes will also mean ‘Chairperson’.

(e) The word “Dal’ will mean ‘Bangladesh Jatiyotabadi Dal’.

‘Member’— will mean primary member of the party if it is not used in the case of ‘committee’.


(a) Qualification for Membership

(1)Any Bangladeshi citizen of the age of 18 years or above can be primary member of this party. The aspirants have to declare adherence to the party’s proclamation, constitution and programmes.

(2) The application at schedule 1, form ‘Ka’ of the constitution will be filled up for primary membership. This form will be available at the party office. No other form will be accepted for membership but when not available, printing of same form will be allowed for application of membership,

(3) If the form is accepted for consideration, identification (Schedule 1, Form ‘kha’) will have to be collected as evidence.

(4) Subscription fee is Tk 10 only for primary membership. Annual subscription fee after getting membership is Tk 10 only. The subscription from the members will be taken by receipt and the receipt will be provided from the party’s central office.

5) Members of the National Standing Committee and the Advisory Council of Chairperson of the Party and the monthly subscription rates of the officers and members of the National Executive Committee shall be determined by the Chairperson of the Party.

6) The rate of monthly subscription of officers and executive members of the district committee from Union Ward Committee of the party shall be as follows:

Any officer/member can voluntarily pay higher amount.

Considering the lack of capacity of an officer/member, the concerned committee can waive or reduce the amount of subscription based on the application of that officer/member.

7) Leaders at various levels who are supposed to pay monthly subscriptions according to the rules of the party – 6 (six) months respectively and those who are supposed to pay annual subscriptions according to the constitution of the party for 2 (two) years respectively, their membership will be suspended. Membership of Monthly Subscribers shall be canceled if they fail to pay their subscription for 1 (one) year consecutively and Annual Subscribers fail to pay their subscription for 3 (three) years consecutively. If due to unavoidable reasons someone is unable to pay the subscription on time, it can be considered if an application is made to the concerned committee chairman/president and general secretary/general secretary for subscription waiver or late payment. In this regard, the National Standing Committee will formulate the necessary rules according to the constitution of the party.

8) Every Upazila/Thana Office shall maintain the list of every primary member post in their respective areas.

The total number of members of the party, along with the names and addresses of the members will be legally preserved in the national headquarters i.e. the central office of the party in Dhaka.

(b) Disqualification for Membership

(1) Any person who does not have legal Bangladeshi citizenship cannot be member of Jatiyotabadi Dal.

(2) Those who are against the independence, sovereignty and integrity of Bangladesh, believe in underground politics, involved in any anti-social and anti-people activities will not get the party’s membership.

(c) Disciplinary Action Against Member:

The standing committee of the party can cancel or temporarily suspend membership or take any punitive measures against anyone on charge of misconduct or breaching disciplines or involvement of anti-party activities. It can withdraw penalty taken earlier. The party chairman on emergency can take any punitive measures against any member of the party and also withdraw action taken earlier in case meeting of the standing committee can not be called.

But all cases will be approved at the meeting of the standing committee as soon as possible. The chairman or the standing committee can seek explanation from the accused if necessary through personal hearing before taking punitive measures. In that case, a notice through post or by hand will have to be issued. The aggrieved person may appeal to Chairman against the penalty but the decision of the Chairman will be considered as final.

(d) Resignation from Membership:

(1) Any member of the party may resign through a letter addressed to the chairman.

(2) Any member of parliament (MP) nominated by the party will be considered to have resigned if he or she in the House will change his or her seat without prior permission of leader of the parliamentary party or will make alliance with another party or does any act which goes against the position of party in parliament.

6. a) Organizational Principles and Structure

Nationalist Party will be organized from the primary level of the country at the Union and Pouroshova/City corporation ward level and expand to the national level. The organizational structure of the team will be as follows:

1) Union Ward Council and Union Ward Executive Committee

2) Pouroshova/Metropolitan, Ward Council and Pouroshova/Metropolitan, Ward Executive Committee

3) Union Council and Union Executive Committee

4) Upazila/Thana Council and Upazila/Thana Executive Committee

5) Pouroshova Council and Pouroshova Executive Committee

6) Metropolitan Council and Metropolitan Executive Committee

7) Zilla Council and Zilla Executive Committee

8) National Council

9) National Standing Committee

10) National Executive Committee

11) Parliamentary Board

12) Parliamentary Party

13) Organizations abroad

b) Structure of Organizational Structure

In all committees from Ward to Metropolitan, the respective Councils shall elect a President, a prescribed number of Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, a Deputy Treasurer and a prescribed number of Secretary, Joint Secretary and members. The number of women in committees at all levels of the party shall be at least 10% and this number shall be increased gradually.

1) Union Ward Council and Union Ward Executive Committee:

Party councils will be formed with minimum 100 primary members in each union ward. The council will elect a union ward executive committee of less than 51 members from among the members of the council for a period of two years. The Union Ward Committee shall consist of the following officers and members:

Union Ward Executive Committee

1. President (1 person)

2. Vice President (3 persons)

3. General Secretary (1 person)

4. Joint Secretary (2 persons)

5. Treasurer (1 Person)

6. Organizing Secretary (1 person)

7. Deputy Secretary (1 person)

8. Publicity Affairs Secretary (1 person)

9. Liberation War Affairs Secretary (1 person)

10. Women Affairs Secretary (1 person)

11. Agriculture Affairs Secretary (1 person)

12. Youth Affairs Secretary (1 person)

13. Student Affairs Secretary (1 person)

14. Mass Education Affairs Secretary (1 person)

15. Labor Affairs Secretary (1 person)

16. Volunteer Affairs Secretary (1 person)

17. Village Government Affairs Secretary (1 person)

18. Health and Family Welfare Affairs Secretary (1 person)

19. Relief and Rehabilitation Affairs Secretary (1 person)

20. Secretary, Microcredit and Cooperative Affairs (1 person)

21. Sports and Cultural Affairs Secretary (1 person)

22. Assistant Treasurer (1 person)

23. Assistant Organizing Secretary (1 person)

24. Assistant Secretary, Women’s Affairs (1 person)

25. Executive Members (24 people)

A Total Number of 51

The executive committee of the union will approve this committee.

2) Pouroshova/Metropolitan Ward Council and Pouroshova/Metropolitan Ward Executive Committee

A Pouroshova/metropolitan ward council of the party shall be constituted with a minimum of 150 primary members in each ward belonging to each municipality/metropolis. The Council shall elect a Pouroshova/Metropolitan Ward Executive Committee of not less than 71 members from among the members of the Council for a period of two years. This committee will get the status of union executive committee of the party. The Pouroshova/Metropolitan Ward Executive Committee will be constituted consisting of the following officers and members.

Pouroshova/Metropolitan Ward Council and Pouroshova/Metropolitan Ward Executive Committee

1. President (1 person)

2. Vice President (5 persons)

3. General Secretary (1 person)

4. Joint Secretary (3 persons)

5. Treasurer (1 Person)

6. Organizing Secretary (1 person)

7. Deputy Secretary (1 person)

8. Publicity Affairs Secretary (1 person)

9. Liberation War Affairs Secretary (1 person)

10. Women Affairs Secretary (1 person)

11. Agriculture Affairs Secretary (1 person)

12. Youth Affairs Secretary (1 person)

13. Student Affairs Secretary (1 person)

14. Labor Affairs Secretary (1 person)

15. Volunteer Affairs Secretary (1 person)

16. Health and Family Welfare Affairs Secretary (1 person)

17. Relief and Rehabilitation Affairs Secretary (1 person)

18. Microcredit and Cooperative Affairs Secretary (1 person)

19. Sports and Cultural Affairs Secretary (1 person)

20. Mass Education Affairs Secretary (1 person)

21. Local Government Affairs Secretary (1 person)

22. Religion Affairs Secretary (1 person)

23. Assistant Treasurer (1 person)

24. Assistant Organizing Secretary (1 person)

25. Assistant Deputy Secretary (1 person)

26. Assistant Publicity Secretary (1 person)

27. Assistant Secretary, Liberation War Affairs (1 person)

28. Assistant Secretary, Women’s Affairs (1 person)

29. Assistant Secretary, Youth Affairs (1 person)

30. Assistant Secretary, Volunteer Affairs (1 person)

31. Assistant Secretary, Student Affairs (1 person)

32. Executive Members (34)

A Total Number of 71 People

Pouroshova/Metropolitan Executive Committee will approve this committee.

3) Union Council and Union Executive Committee

The union council of the party will be composed of the members of the executive committee of each ward belonging to the union. The council will elect a union executive committee of less than 71 people on the pattern of municipal and metropolitan ward committees from among the members of the council for a period of two years. The upazila/ police station committee will approve the union executive committee.

4) Upazila/Thana Council and Upazila/Thana Executive Committee

The upazila/ police station council of the party will be formed with the members of the executive committee of each union under the upazila/ police station. The council will elect an upazila/ police station executive committee of not less than 101 members from among the members of the council for a period of two years.

Upazila/Metropolitan Police Station/Municipal Executive Committee:

1. President (1 person)

2. Vice President (9 people)

3. General Secretary (1 person)

4. Joint Secretary (3 persons)

5. Treasurer (1 Person)

6. Organizing Secretary (2 persons)

7. Deputy Secretary (1 person)

8. Publicity and Publication Affairs Secretary(1 person)

9. Liberation War Affairs Secretary (1 person)

10. Women Affairs Secretary (1 person)

11. Agricultural Affairs Secretary (1 person) [Environmental Affairs Secretary in Municipal and Metropolitan Police Stations]

12. Youth Affairs Secretary (1 person)

13. Student Affairs Secretary (1 person)

14. Labor Affairs Secretary (1 person)

15. Volunteer Affairs Secretary (1 person)

16. Training Affairs Secretary(1 person)

17 Information and Research Affairs Secretary (1 person)

18. Expatriate Welfare Affairs Secretary (1 person)

19. Health and Family Planning Affairs Secretary(1 person)

20. Relief and Rehabilitation Affairs Secretary (1 person)

21. Microcredit and Cooperative Affairs Secretary(1 person)

22. Human Rights Affairs Secretary(1 person)

23. Public Education Affairs Secretary (1 person)

24. Local Government Affairs Secretary (1 person)

25. Religion Affairs Secretary(1 person)

26. Sports and Cultural Affairs Secretary (1 person)

27. Weaver/Fishermen/Tribal Affairs Secretary (1 person)

28. Assistant Treasurer (1 person)

29. Assistant Organizing Secretary (2 persons)

30. Assistant Deputy Secretary (1 person)

31. Assistant Publicity Secretary(1 person)

32. Assistant Liberation War Affairs Secretary(1 person)

33. Assistant Secretary, Religious Affairs (1 person)

34. Assistant Secretary, Women’s Affairs (1 person)

35. Assistant Secretary, Youth Affairs (1 person)

36. Assistant Secretary, Volunteer Affairs (1 Person)

37. Assistant Secretary, Student Affairs (1 person)

38. Assistant Secretary, Labor Affairs (1 Person)

39. Assistant Secretary, Agricultural Affairs (1 person) [ Environmental Affairs Assistant Secretary in Municipal and Metropolitan Police Stations]

40. Executive Members (50 people)

A Total of 101 People

The district committee will approve the Upazila/ police station executive committee. The Metropolitan Committee will approve the Metropolitan Thana Committee.

5) Municipal Council and Municipal Executive Committee

The municipal council of the party will be formed with the members of the executive committee of each ward belonging to each municipality. The council will elect a municipal executive committee of less than 101 people on the pattern of upazila/municipal police station committee from among the members of the council for a period of two years. This executive committee will get the status of upazila/ police station executive committee. The district committee will approve this committee.

6) Metropolitan Council and Metropolitan Executive Committee

The metropolitan council of the party will be formed in that metropolis with the members of the executive committee of each police station in the metropolis. This Council shall elect from among the members of the Council for a period of two years a Metropolitan Executive Committee of not less than 151 members consisting of the following officers and members. The metropolitan executive committee of the party will get the status of the district executive committee of the party.

Metropolitan Executive Committee

1. President (1 person)

2. Vice President (15 people)

3. General Secretary (1 person)

4. Joint Secretary(5 people)

5. Treasurer (1 Person)

6. Organizing Secretary (3 persons)

7. Deputy Secretary (1 person)

8. Publicity Secretary(1 person)

9. Liberation War Affairs Secretary (1 person)

10. Publications Secretary(1 person)

11. Law Affairs Secretary (1 person)

12. Women Affairs Secretary (1 person)

13. Youth Affairs Secretary (1 person)

14. Student Affairs Secretary (1 person)

15. Labor Affairs Secretary(1 person)

16. Volunteer Affairs Secretary (1 person)

17. Training Affairs Secretary(1 person)

18 Information and Research Affairs Secretary (1 person)

19. Expatriate Welfare Affairs Secretary (1 person)

20. Religious Affairs Secretary (1 person)

21. Human Rights Affairs Secretary(1 person)

22. Health and Family Welfare Affairs Secretary(1 person)

23. Environment Affairs Secretary(1 person)

24. Children Affairs Secretary (1 person)

25. Relief and Rehabilitation Affairs Secretary (1 person)

26. Secretary, Microcredit and Cooperative Affairs (1 person)

27. Sports and Cultural Affairs Secretary (1 person)

28. Mass Education Affairs Secretary (1 person)

29. Local Government Affairs Secretary (1 person)

30. Industry and Commerce Affairs Secretary(1 person)

31. Weaver/Fishermen/Tribal Affairs Secretary (2 persons)

32. Assistant Treasurer (1 person)

33. Assistant Organizing Secretary (3 persons)

34. Assistant Deputy Secretary (2 persons)

35. Assistant Publicity Secretary(1 person)

36. Assistant Secretary, Liberation War Affairs (1 person)

37. Assistant Secretary, Religious Affairs (3 people)

38. Assistant Secretary, Law Affairs (3 people)

39. Assistant Secretary, Women’s Affairs (2 people)

40. Assistant Secretary, Youth Affairs (1 person)

41. Assistant Secretary Volunteer Affairs (1 person)

42. Assistant Secretary Student Affairs (1 person)

43. Assistant Secretary, Labor Affairs (1 person)

44. Assistant Secretary, Environment Affairs (1 person)

45. Assistant Secretary, Training Affairs (1 Person)

46. Assistant Secretary, Information and Research Affairs (1 person)

47. Assistant Secretary, Local Government Affairs (1 person)

48. Executive Members (75 people)

A Total of 151 People

On the advice of the chairman, the general secretary of the party will give approval to the metropolitan executive committee.

7) District Council and District Executive Committee

The District Council will be constituted with the members of the executive committee of each upazila/ police station and municipality under the administrative and political district. This Council shall elect a District Executive Committee of not less than 151 members consisting of the following officers and members from among the members of the Council for a term of two years.

District Executive Committee

1. President (1 person)

2. Vice President (15 people)

3. General Secretary (1 person)

4. Joint Secretary (5 people)

5. Treasurer (1 Person)

6. Organizing Secretary (3 persons)

7. Deputy Secretary (1 person)

8. Publicity Secretary (1 person)

9. Liberation War Affairs Secretary (1 person)

10. Publications Affairs Secretary (1 person)

11. Law Affairs Secretary (1 person)

12. Women Affairs Secretary (1 person)

13. Youth Affairs Secretary (1 person)

14. Student Affairs Secretary (1 person)

15. Labor Affairs Secretary (1 person)

16. Agriculture Affairs Secretary (1 person)

17. Volunteer Affairs Secretary (1 person)

18. Training Affairs Secretary (1 person)

19. Information and Research Affairs Secretary (1 person)

20. Expatriate Welfare Affairs Secretary (1 person)

21. Economic Affairs Secretary (1 person)

22. Religious Affairs Secretary (1 person)

23. Human Rights Affairs Secretary (1 person)

24. Health and Family Welfare Affairs Secretary (1 person)

25. Environment Affairs Secretary (1 person)

26. Children Affairs Secretary (1 person)

27. Relief and Rehabilitation Affairs Secretary (1 person)

28. Secretary, Microcredit and Cooperative Affairs (1 person)

29. Sports and Cultural Affairs Secretary (1 person)

30. Mass Education Affairs Secretary (1 person)

31. Local Government Affairs Secretary (1 person)

32. Industry and Commerce Affairs Secretary (1 person)

33. Weaver/Fishermen/Tribal Affairs Secretary (2 persons)

34. Assistant Treasurer (1 Person)

35. Assistant Organizing Secretary (3 persons)

36. Deputy Assistant Secretary (2 persons)

37. Assistant Secretary, Publicity (1 Person)

38. Assistant Secretary, Liberation War Affairs (1 person)

39. Assistant Secretary, Publications Affairs (1 Person)

40. Assistant Secretary, Legal Affairs (3 people)

41. Assistant Secretary, Women’s Affairs (1 Person)

42. Assistant Secretary, Youth Affairs (1 Person)

43. Assistant Secretary, Volunteer Affairs (1 Person)

44. Assistant Secretary, Student Affairs (1 Person)

45. Assistant Secretary, Labor Affairs (1 person)

46. Assistant Secretary, Agriculture Affairs (1 Person)

47. Assistant Secretary, Religious Affairs (2 people)

48. Assistant Secretary, Environment Affairs (1 Person)

49. Assistant Secretary, Training Affairs (1 Person)

50. Assistant Secretary, Information and Research Affairs (1 Person)

51. Executive Members (74 people)

A Total of 151 People

The general secretary of the party will approve the district committee on the advice of the chairman.

By 2020, the number of women members in all committees should be increased to 33 percent. The executive committees at different levels of the party will implement, supervise and control the party programs in their respective areas.

The new committee will be elected by the council within 3 (three) months after the expiry of the tenure of all committees from ward committee to district/metropolitan committee. If it is not possible to form a new committee through election within this period, the senior committee can extend the term of the concerned committee for the next 3 (three) months for reasonable reasons. If the new committee is not formed within this period, the previous committee will be deemed canceled and the senior committee will form the convening committee within 3 (three) months of the concerned area on the condition of forming the committee through the council. If the convening committee fails to form a full-fledged committee within the stipulated time, the center will form a committee for a fixed period.

From Ward to Metropolitan/District Committees, concerned committees can take action against officers and members for the purpose of maintaining internal order. However, in order to expel someone temporarily, the permission of the sanctioning committee and in order to expel someone, the permission of the national executive committee or the chairman of the party must be obtained.

No one can cancel any committee without the approval of the centre. However, the sanctioning committee can temporarily suspend the activities of the sanctioned committee with the approval of the concerned senior committee. In such cases, the matter of decision-making should be reported to the Secretary General of the National Executive Committee with full explanation and the decision of the Standing Committee or Chairman of the party in this regard shall be considered final.

8) National Council

a) The Party shall have a National Council called ‘National Council’ whose constitution shall be as follows:

1) President and General Secretary of each Upazila/Thana Executive Committee (including Metropolitan Thana);

2) President and General Secretary of each Pouroshova Executive Committee;

3) President and General Secretary of each Metropolitan Executive Committee;

4) President and General Secretary of each District Executive Committee;

5) Two women members from each district and metropolis nominated by the executive committee of each district and metropolis;

6) Members of the Parliamentary Party

7) Officers and members of the National Executive Committee;

8) Members of the Chairman’s Advisory Council;

9) Members of the National Standing Committee and

10) 10 percent of the total number of members from 1 to 9 mentioned above nominated by the Chairman.

b) Responsibilities and Powers of the National Council

1) To implement and implement the policies and programs of the party as described in the constitution of the party and determined and introduced by the National Standing Committee on the basis thereof;

2) holding elections for the members of the National Standing Committee of the party and the officers and members of the National Executive Committee;

3) Amending the constitution of the party;

4) To consider any matter referred by the chairman of the party;

5) to consider the report of the Secretary-General;

6) To consider other important matters proposed by 1/3 (one-third) members of the National Council.

9) National Standing Committee

The Chairman, Senior Vice Chairman and General Secretary of the party shall be deemed to be elected members of the National Standing Committee. Including them, the number of members of the National Standing Committee will be 19. The Chairman will be the head of the committee and he will convene the meeting of the standing committee. The members of the National Standing Committee shall be ex-officio members of the National Council. The National Standing Committee shall perform the following duties and responsibilities:

a) As the main policy-making body of the party, this committee will formulate and introduce party policies and programmes.

b) The committee shall have the power to take disciplinary action against the officers and members of all other levels of the party except the removal of the Chairman and review the disciplinary action taken.

c) This committee shall interpret party’s manifesto, constitution, rules, by-laws and clauses in a proper and consistent manner as necessary and that interpretation shall be considered final.

d) The committee will pay special attention to ensure that the members of the party show due respect and abide by the declaration, constitution, clauses and sub-clauses, rules and bye-laws of the party.

e) This committee shall give approval to the important pamphlets and other publications of the party and without the approval of this committee no important pamphlet or publication of the party shall be published or distributed.

f) This committee can order the temporary suspension of the work of any executive committee from the ward level to the national level or if necessary cancel it and order re-election. For re-election, the Standing Committee may order the reconstitution and re-election of the Executive Committee concerned by constituting a convener or in special cases a convening committee.

(g) The Committee may direct the National Executive Committee and the thematic sub-committees to submit reports on any matter under their purview.

h) This committee shall control and supervise the activities of the National Executive Committee and other committees nominated by the Chairman.

10) National Executive Committee

The National Executive Committee will consist of under 470 members. However, the chairman of the party can make changes in the calculation of the number of officers or members in special cases but the total number of members cannot be increased by more than ten percent. Also, the President of each District Executive Committee and the President of each Metropolitan Executive Committee shall be deemed to be members of the National Executive Committee ex officio. 10 percent of the total members of the National Executive Committee should be women members and this number will be increased to 33 percent by 2020. In this committee, 10 percent of the total number should be taken from among the representatives of workers, freedom fighters, farmers, tribes and other levels of society.

The following officers of the National Executive Committee shall be elected by the National Council of the Party. However, at least one-third of this committee should be drawn from the National Council. This committee will be elected for a term of 3 years and will serve until the next national executive committee elected as per the constitution takes over.

National Executive Committee

Chairman (1 person)

Senior Vice Chairman (1 Person)

Vice Chairman (35 people)

Secretary General (1 person)

Senior Joint Secretary General (In charge of office) (1 person)

Joint Secretary General (7 persons)

Deputy Secretary (1 person)

Treasurer (1 Person)

Organizing Secretary (1 person) per Department

Secretary, Sports Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Special Duty (2 persons)

Publicity Secretary (1 person)

Secretary, International Relations (7 people)

Secretary, Freedom Fighters Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Legal Affairs (2 people)

Secretary, Education Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Social Welfare Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Employment Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Youth Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Local Government Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Industrial Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Commercial Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Economic Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Relief and Rehabilitation Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Research Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Information Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Climate Change Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Banking & Revenue Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Sports Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Cultural Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Women’s Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Training Affairs (2 people)

Secretary, Student Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Labor Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Agricultural Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Volunteer Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Public Education Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Religious Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Forest and Environment Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Health Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Family Welfare Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Cooperative Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Rural Development Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Small and Cottage Industries (1 person)

Secretary, Village Government Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Publications (1 Person)

Secretary, Self-Reliance Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Weaver Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Children’s Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Expatriate Welfare Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Science and Technology Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Information Technology Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Human Rights Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Microcredit Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Tribal Affairs (1 person)

Secretary, Fisheries Affairs (1 person)

Deputy Treasurer (1 Person)

Assistant Secretary, Cooperative Affairs (1 Person)

Assistant Deputy Secretary (1 person)

Assistant Publicity Secretary (1 Person)

Assistant Secretary, International Affairs (1 Person)

Assistant Secretary, Freedom Fighters Affairs (1 Person)

Assistant Secretary, Legal Affairs (4 people)

Assistant Secretary, Education (2 persons)

Assistant Secretary, Economic Affairs (1 Person)

Assistant Secretary, Social Welfare Affairs (2 persons)

Assistant Secretary, Employment Affairs (1 Person)

Assistant Secretary, Sports Affairs (1 Person)

Assistant Secretary, Cultural Affairs (1 Person)

Assistant Secretary, Youth Affairs (1 Person)

Assistant Secretary, Marginal Manpower Development Affairs (1 Person)

Assistant Secretary, Banking & Revenue Affairs (1 Person)

Assistant Secretary, Women’s Affairs (2 people)

Assistant Secretary, Religious Affairs (4 people)

Assistant Secretary, Student Affairs (1 Person)

Assistant Secretary, Labor Affairs (2 persons)

Assistant Secretary, Agriculture (1 person)

Assistant Secretary, Cooperative Affairs (1 Person)

Assistant Secretary, Industrial Affairs (1 Person)

Assistant Secretary, Commercial Affairs (1 Person)

Assistant Secretary, Rural Development Affairs (1 Person)

Assistant Secretary, Volunteer Affairs (1 Person)

Assistant Secretary, Relief and Rehabilitation Affairs (2 persons)

Assistant Secretary, Publications Affairs (1 Person)

Assistant Secretary, Information and Research Affairs (3 persons)

Assistant Secretary, Village Government Affairs (2 persons)

Assistant Secretary, Local Government Affairs (1 Person)

Assistant Secretary, Climate Change Affairs(1 Person)

Assistant Secretary, Training Affairs (3 persons)

Assistant Secretary, Public Education Affairs (1 Person)

Assistant Secretary, Forest and Environment Affairs (1 Person)

Assistant Secretary, Self-Reliance Affairs (1 Person)

Assistant Secretary, Weaver Affairs (1 Person)

Assistant Secretary, Health Affairs (3 people)

Assistant Secretary, Nurses and Health Assistants (1 person)

Assistant Secretary, Family Welfare Affairs (2 persons)

Assistant Secretary, Expatriate Welfare Affairs (1 Person)

Assistant Secretary, Science and Technology Affairs (2 persons)

Assistant Secretary, Information Technology Affairs (2 persons)

Assistant Secretary, Human Rights Affairs (1 person)

Assistant Secretary, Microcredit Affairs (1 Person)

Assistant Secretary, Tribal Affairs (1 Person)

11) Duties and Responsibilities of the National Executive Committee

a) Supervising and coordinating the activities of various level committees of the party.

b) To recommend disciplinary action against officers/members of the Committee as necessary.

c) To implement the program of the party and to accept proposals and give instructions for that purpose.

d) Resolving conflicts between committees on validity questions.

e) To supervise, control and co-ordinate the activities of party organs and affiliated organizations.

f) To perform other duties and responsibilities as directed by the National Standing Committee. A meeting of the National Executive Committee shall be held at least once in every six months, but may be convened at any time with the permission of the Chairman, if necessary. An extended meeting of the National Executive Committee shall be held at least once every year except in the year in which the National Council is held.

12) Advisory Council of Chairman

There will be an Advisory Council to give various special advice to the Chairman. The members of the Advisory Council shall be nominated by the Chairman and shall hold the rank of Vice Chairman of the National Executive Committee. Ex-officio members of the Advisory Council shall be deemed to be Councilors of the National Council of the Party.

13) Thematic Sub-Committee

The chairman of the party may nominate various issue-based committees consisting of a few members from among the members of the National Council as necessary in view of important national issues. Among other subjects such committees may be constituted on: Finance and Planning, Public Health and Family Welfare, Education and Training, Research, International Relations, Defense, Industry and Commerce, Women and Children, Science and Information Technology, Law- Law and order, local government and rural development, environment and climate change, youth development, labor and expatriate welfare, communication and public transport, energy and mineral resources, human rights, relief and disaster management, water resources development and flood control, liberation war, microcredit, Sports and Culture, Good Governance and Public Administration, Human Resource Development, Media, National Integration and Ethnic Minorities. All these committees may include persons who are not members of the party but have expertise, qualifications and skills in particular fields.

14) Parliamentary Board

The party shall have a parliamentary board to nominate party candidates for the National Parliament election or any other election. The National Standing Committee of the party will be the Parliamentary Board. However, the district president and general secretary of the district in which the meeting of the Parliamentary Board is convened for the nomination of candidates will be considered as members of the Parliamentary Board in the said meeting. However, if any member is a candidate in the election, then he cannot participate in the meeting of the board during the consideration of the candidate of his constituency. The chairman of the party will be the president of the parliamentary board. The Parliamentary Board will be responsible for the nomination of party candidates for the National Assembly election or any election and the decision of the Board in this regard will be considered final.

However, the Parliamentary Board will nominate the final candidate from the candidate panel formed by the ward, union, upazila/ police station or district committee (if any) of the concerned constituency.

15) Parliamentary Party

The parliamentary party will be formed by the members of the party in the national parliament. The party will elect its leader, deputy leader, chief whip and other whips in consultation with the party chairman. Members of the Parliamentary Party shall be ex-officio members of the National Council.

16) Organization in Abroad

Among the Bangladeshis living abroad who believe in the principles, ideals, objectives and mission of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party, they can establish/manage organizations under the prevailing laws of the countries where they live permanently or temporarily.

17) Special Assistant of Chairman

The Chairman may appoint special assistants as necessary to assist him in the conduct of party activities. He shall determine the number of his special assistants and their organizational status in the team.

7. Chairman

There will be a chairman of the party as the chief officer. No person below 30 years of age can be chairman of the party.

a) Election of Chairman

The chairman of the party shall be elected for a term of 3 years by a simple majority vote of the members of the National Council. At the end of the term, the same person can be re-elected as chairman. The Chairman elected by the Council shall be deemed to have been elected as the Chairman of the National Executive Committee and the Chairman of the National Standing Committee of the party. According to the constitution of the party, the chairman will remain in office until the next chairman is elected and assumes responsibility.

During the election of the chairman, the election for the position of senior vice chairman of the party will also be held simultaneously. The Senior Vice Chairman shall be elected for a term of 3 (three) years. According to the constitution of the party, the senior vice chairman will remain in office until the next senior vice chairman is elected and assumes responsibility.

b) Duties, Powers and Responsibilities of the Chairman

1) As the chief officer of the party, the chairman shall control, supervise and coordinate all activities of the party and for that purpose shall have authority over the National Council, National Standing Committee, National Executive Committee, Subject Committees and other committees nominated by the Chairman and shall do control, supervise and coordinate their functions.

2) The chairman can also take disciplinary action against the members of the above committees if necessary.

3) As the Chairman of the National Executive Committee, he shall determine the responsibilities, powers and duties of the officials of the said committee.

4) The Chairman may dissolve the National Executive Committee, the National Standing Committee, thematic sub-committees and other committees nominated by the Chairman and reconstitute them subject to the approval of the next Council.

5) The Chairman shall preside over the meetings of the National Council, National Executive Committee and National Standing Committee, but he may delegate this power to other members if necessary.

6) The Chairman may fill vacancies in the National Standing Committee and National Executive Committee and thematic sub-committees.

c) Duties, Powers and Responsibilities of Senior Vice Chairman

1) The Senior Vice Chairman shall assist the Chairman in the discharge of his duties and perform any duties assigned by the Chairman.

2) In the temporary absence of the chairman, he will perform all the duties of the chairman as acting chairman of the party.

3) If the post of Chairman becomes vacant for any reason, the Senior Vice Chairman shall assume the duties of the Chairman for the remainder of the term of the Chairman and shall continue to hold the duties of the Chairman until the next Chairman is elected and assumes the duties as per the constitution.

d) Removal of Chairman

The Chairman can be removed if the vote of two-thirds of the total number of members of the National Council is in favor of the removal of the Chairman and three-fourths of the total number of members of the National Council is required. However, in the said demand of the National Council, the removal of the Chairman should be shown as the sole subject of the meeting and the reason for the removal should be clearly written.

8. Meeting, Notice, Quorum

a) National Council

The General Secretary of the party may convene the meeting of the National Council on the written advice of the Chairman of the party. 1/3 (one-third) of the total number of members of the Council shall constitute the quorum of the meeting of the Council. The National Council shall be held at least once in a year if possible by giving 15 days notice in writing by ordinary post or by peon or by newspaper. Similarly, an emergency meeting of the Council can be held on a clear 5 days’ notice. A “Demand Meeting” of the Council can be held on the demand of 1/3 (one-third) of the total number of members of the National Council similarly on a clear 15 days notice. However, the notice of this meeting must clearly mention the content of the claim.

If 2/3 (two-thirds) votes of the total councilors in such meeting are not obtained in favor of the demand, the demand shall be cancelled.

b) National Standing Committee

The chairman of the party can convene a meeting of the National Standing Committee at any time as per his wish. But standing committee meeting should be held at least once every 3 months. The quorum of this meeting will be formed with 50% of the existing members.

c) National Executive Committee

The general secretary of the party can convene the meeting of the national executive committee on the written advice of the chairman of the party. 1/3 (one-third) of the total number of members of the National Executive Committee shall constitute the quorum of the meeting of the said Committee. Meetings of the National Executive Committee may be convened in writing by ordinary post or by peon or on 7 days clear notice by newspaper, but for emergency meetings 48 hours notice shall be sufficient. A meeting of the National Executive Committee may be called on the demand of 1/3 (one-third) of the members and by giving clear 7 days notice above and if the Secretary General of the Committee does not call the meeting, the Chairman of the Committee shall call the meeting.

d) Ward to District Executive Committee

The meeting of the executive committee at all levels from the ward committee to the district committee of the party can be convened by the general secretary of the said committee on seven days’ notice in consultation with the committee president. Emergency meetings may be called at short notice by personal communication and by notice in newspapers. In the case of convening committee, the convenor can call the meeting. The quorum for the meetings of the Executive Committee and the Convening Committee at all levels shall consist of 1/3 (one-third) members of the total number of members of the respective Committee. Metropolitan / District / Upazila / Thana / Pouroshova / Union and Ward Executive Committee meeting should be held at least once every three months. A copy of the minutes and decisions of each meeting along with the signatures of the attendees must be sent to the senior committee immediately.

e) Metropolitan/District/Upazila/Thana/Municipal/Union and Municipal Ward Advisory Committees

There will be up to 11 members in Metropolitan and District Executive Committees, up to 9 members in Upazila/Thana/Municipal Executive Committees and up to 7 members in Union and Municipal Ward Committees. Ex-officers of the party and eminent persons of the society involved in the activities of the party shall be eligible to be members of the Advisory Council. The advisory committee will be nominated by the respective committee of the party. They will advise the respective committees and participate in party meetings, programs and activities.

9. Funds

The treasurer of the party shall collect and maintain the accounts of the organization. The account of the organization shall be opened in a commercial bank and the funds may be operated under the signature of any two of the three persons namely Chairman/President, Treasurer and Secretary General/General Secretary, but the signature of the Treasurer must be in the signature. In the event of the Treasurer being unable to perform his duties for any unavoidable reason or in his absence, the Deputy Treasurer shall perform all duties. The accounts of the party shall be audited every year and the audit report shall be published within six months of the end of the financial year. Funds of the party shall be generated by collection of membership fees, subscriptions, donations, donations, money received during the sale of nomination forms and receipt of nomination papers and other lawful means.

10. Rules and Sub-rules

In cases where there is no specific provision in the constitution, the National Standing Committee can formulate rules and sub-rules.

11. Amendment of the Constitution

The rules for amending the constitution will be as follows:

Any member of the National Council may propose amendments to the Constitution in writing. The said proposal shall be forwarded to the Secretary General of the Party, so that the Secretary General may present the proposal at the next meeting of the National Council, provided that-

a) The proposed amendment shall be presented to all members present at the meeting at which it is considered and if possible, copies of the proposed amendment shall be distributed among them.

For this amendment to be adopted, two-thirds of the total councilors must vote in favor of the proposal.

b) If any amendment becomes necessary due to urgent reasons then the Chairman of the Party may amend the constitution, but the said amendment must be accepted by the majority mentioned in ‘A’ at the next meeting of the National Council.

12. Organ Organization

A party may have one or more organ organizations. All these organ organizations will have their own manifesto, constitution, flag and office and all these organ organizations will be under the discipline of the parent party. The chairman of the party may at any time take disciplinary action against the officers or members of the organization for breach of discipline or for activities contrary to the organization or for misconduct and may expel him from the organization or temporarily suspend or reprimand him from the membership of the organization and give instructions or advice.

No organization shall be considered as an affiliate organization of the Nationalist Party until it has been approved by the chairman of the party as an affiliate organization. The seniority of the organization will be determined from the date of approval. The National Executive Committee of the party will have a secretary for each organ. The main purpose of the organ organization is to promote the welfare of the members of the organization and to support the implementation of the program of the party. For this purpose, the organization will formulate its own program in order to spread the influence of the party in its respective fields or to spread the policy of the party. However, the declaration, constitution and flag of the member organizations must be approved by the chairman in advance and if any member organization wants to change, expand or modify their declaration, constitution or flag, then none of it can be implemented without the prior approval of the chairman. Party members will actively help them in implementing these programs of the organization. So far all the organizations which have been recognized as organ organizations with the approval of the chairman of the party, they are-

Bangladesh Jatiotabadi Muktijoddha Dal

Bangladesh Jatiotabadi Jubodal

Bangladesh Jatiotabadi Mohila Dal

Bangladesh Jatiotabadi Samajik Sangskritik Sangstha

Bangladesh Jatiotabadi Krishak Dal

Bangladesh Jatiotabadi Swecchashebok Dal

Bangladesh Jatiotabadi Tati Dal

Bangladesh Jatiotabadi Ulama Dal

Bangladesh Jatiotabadi Matsyajeebi Dal

13. Affiliate Organization

Among the people employed in different classes and professions who believe in the principles, ideals, objectives and programs of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party, they can organize to protect the interests of their respective classes and professions and with the approval of the chairman of the party, these organizations will be considered as affiliated organizations of the party. However, Bangladesh Jatiotabadi Chatradal and Bangladesh Jatiotabadi Shramik Dal will be governed according to their respective constitutions.

14. Training Center, Research Center and Media Wing

Under the office of the chairman of the party, a research center for imparting political training to party leaders and workers will be established, a research center to increase the overall capacity of the party and a media wing to strengthen the party’s campaign activities and enhance its image through electronic and social media.

The chairman of the party himself or through his designated representative will manage, supervise and control the activities of these specialized institutions.

15. Special Provision: One Leader One Post

a) No person can be elected as the president or general secretary of the district, metropolitan, upazila, thana, municipality, union or ward committee of the party at the same time.

b) No member of the party’s National Standing Committee or Chairman’s Advisory Council, any officer of the National Executive Committee and any president of the party’s organ or associate organization or the general secretary of any other level committee of the party shall not be elected officials. However, for unavoidable reasons, the party chairman can temporarily approve the exception.


(Begum Khaleda Zia)

President of the 6th National Council Session


Chairperson, BNP

Date: March 19, 2016


Form “Ka”